Avatar for Donny Bui

Donny Bui

Academic Success Coach


University of Nebraska-Lincoln

B.S. in Fisheries & Wildlife with an emphasis in Wildlife Ecology and Management

Favorite quote?
"Would I rather be loved or feared? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." -Michael Scott, The Office

What superpower do you wish you had?
Instant teleportation.

What is your most vivid memory from college?
Having the opportunity to take a trip to Puerto Rico for my Tropical Ecosystems class. I had the opportunity to experience the rain and dry forests, snorkel on a tropical reef, swim in the bioluminescence bay and explore tropical rivers, underground caves and beaches of Puerto Rico.

What is the most useless talent you have?
Being able to flip my eyelids inside out.

Sasquatch – real or fake?
Do you even have to ask? Of course they are real!

What were you most afraid of when you started college?
Failure—Being a first generation college student, I truly did not know what to expect in college. I just knew that I needed to do my best in order to keep my scholarships, and I did not want to disappoint my family. I learned there are a plethora of resources and people in college that want to assist in your educational success; you just need to seek out and tap into the available resources.