Before You Read
S: Survey
- Read the introduction.
- Briefly survey the entire reading selection.
- Look at titles, headings, graphs, etc.
- Read the summary.
Q: Question
- Turn headings and subheadings into questions- think: how, what, where, why and when.
- Write these questions down and prepare to record the answers as you read.
While You Read
1st R: Read
- Read each section with the intention of answering the questions you created.
- Stay focused and alert as you read.
- Look up unfamiliar words.
- Reduce your speed for difficult passages.
- Take the time to re-read passages that are unclear.
- Read only a section at a time and recite after each section.
After You Read
2nd R: Recite
- Quiz yourself: answer your questions in your own words- preferably aloud.
- Write your answers in your reading notes.
3rd R: Review
- Regularly quiz yourself over your questions/answers.
- If you get stuck, use notes/other materials to find and record correct answers.