Tau Sigma is an academic honor society designed specifically to recognize and promote the academic excellence and involvement of transfer students.
Chartered in 1999, Tau Sigma was created for transfer students who may have difficulty meeting residency requirements for other honor societies. It allows successful transfer students opportunities for leadership and service commensurate with their academic achievement.
Lambda Chapter was organized at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2003 as one of the first dozen chapters. Seventeen national scholarships have been awarded to chapter members in 14 years of competition.
Opportunities for Members
- Tau Sigma honor cords to wear with your cap & gown at commencement
- Annual Ice Cream Social early in the fall semester and other social events
- Service projects including the Big Event university-wide day of service in the spring
- Spring Induction Ceremony where new members receive membership certificates and officers are installed
- National Student Leadership Conference
- National Scholarship Competition

Lifetime membership is by invitation. To be eligible students must transfer a year of credit (27 semester hours), be full-time degree-seeking students, and earn a 3.5 GPA in the first semester at University of Nebraska—Lincoln.
If you believe you are eligible for membership or for further information contact Chapter Advisor Kenneth Moss.