Peer Mentor
Biological Sciences
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Of all the jobs you could have on campus, what made you want to be a Peer Mentor?
I wanted to become a Peer Mentor because I want to help people. Transitioning into college can be hard and having someone who can help guide you through the journey is important. If I hadn't been a mentee my first year I would've struggled even more with transitioning to campus life. At the end of the day, I just want to help someone the same way my Peer Mentor helped me.
If you could learn any skill or craft instantly, what would it be?
If I could learn any skill or craft instantly, I would love to learn how to rope cattle. I've always wanted to be in a rodeo and cattle roping is the best rodeo event.
What’s one thing on your bucket list you know you’ll cross off some day?
One thing on my bucket list that I know I will cross off some day is photographing wolves in Yellowstone National Park. I have always been fascinated with wildlife and would love to stay a winter in Yellowstone and track the movements of wolves.
What's your favorite way to de-stress or relax during busy times?
My favorite way to de-stress during busy times is to go to the gym.
If your life had a soundtrack, what is your theme song?
If my life had a soundtrack, my theme song would be "Keep Ya Head Up", by 2Pac. With whatever challenges and hardships you face in life, you need to keep your head up and think positively. Keeping a positive mindset significantly impacts how you function and perceive situations in life.
You just won an all-expenses paid vacation. Where would you go?
If I had won an all-expenses-paid vacation I would want to go to Norway. The Norwegian culture is amazing and the scenery is breathtaking.
What’s your favorite place on campus—and why?
My favorite place on campus is Louise Pound Hall. I love LPH because there is a very beautiful lounge area on the second floor. This area is by far the best study spot because it is very calm and peaceful.
What's your go-to comfort food or guilty pleasure snack?
My go-to comfort food is Kraft Mac and Cheese. I have been living off of Kraft since I was a child and so eating it just makes me feel at home.
What's one thing you wish you had known before starting college?
One thing that I wish I had known before starting college is how to accommodate for studying. The way I studied in high school did not work the same in college. Every class is different and understanding various studying techniques can be extremely helpful. Being able to utilize different study strategies can help lessen the load that every college student already has to deal with.