Peer Mentor
Interior Design
Product Design
Omaha, Nebraska
Of all the jobs you could have on campus, what made you want to be a CAST Peer Mentor?
Being able to help students just starting out in college- students in a place I remember like it was yesterday- is one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done. Being a guiding hand for first generation students that likely have little to no idea of what to expect or what to do now that they're in college makes this job feel more like a passion than a job.
If you could learn any skill or craft instantly, what would it be?
I would want to learn metal working. I can do very basic welding, but even that is intimidating, but if I could have that knowledge all at once, it wouldn't be as scary.
What’s one thing on your bucket list you know you’ll cross off some day?
I know that I will one day go to France, and if I don't I will die trying.
What's your favorite way to de-stress or relax during busy times?
When times get busy and stressful, curling up with my cat, my partner, and our current favorite show is a sure way to destress.
If your life had a soundtrack, what is your theme song?
"Hell of a Ride" by FIZZ
You just won an all-expenses paid vacation. Where would you go?
I would go to France and avoid the whole die trying part of crossing that off my bucket list.
What’s your favorite place on campus—and why?
As cheesy as it sounds, as a 4th year student living off-campus the CAST office is my home away from home.
What's your go-to comfort food or guilty pleasure snack?
My comfort food is baked gouda mac' n cheese, and my guilty pleasure snack right now is hot fries.
What's one thing you wish you had known before starting college?
I wish I could have known that for as scary, uncertain, and stressful as parts of college may seem, everything will turn out alright in the end.