Peer Mentor
Child, Youth, and Family Studies
Springfield, Nebraska
Of all the jobs you could have on campus, what made you want to be a CAST Peer Mentor?
My Peer Mentors had a huge impact on me, and I want to do that for other people. I can't imagine where I would be in my college journey without the CAST program, so I want to pass on the positive impact to as many people as possible!
If you could learn any skill or craft instantly, what would it be?
If I could, I would learn to be fluent in every language! It would be awesome to be able to communicate with everyone in the world.
What’s one thing on your bucket list you know you’ll cross off some day?
Traveling outside of the US! I haven't gotten the opportunity to travel much yet, but I know that someday I will get to cross off visiting Europe.
What's your favorite way to de-stress or relax during busy times?
My favorite ways to de-stress are going for walks, talking with my friends, and reading books!
If your life had a soundtrack, what is your theme song?
"Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield, it has an impactful message and gets me hyped-up every time I hear it!
You just won an all-expenses paid vacation. Where would you go?
I would 100% go to Scotland! I have always dreamed of going to Scotland and seeing the BEAUTIFUL scenery and visiting an old castle!
What’s your favorite place on campus—and why?
The Union, after the crowd is gone for the day. It is a great study spot (it is really difficult to get work done in your dorm room) and it has so many spots to just chat with friends.
What's your go-to comfort food or guilty pleasure snack?
Honesty, anything with chocolate! If I need a pick-me-up, I always choose something with chocolate in it.
What's one thing you wish you had known before starting college?
College isn't as scary as you think it will be. I was nervous about leaving everything and everyone I had ever know at home and having to figure everything out by myself. But I didn't have to do it alone! I've had the CAST program from the very beginning to guide me, and I've made SO many amazing friends in my first year here!