Peer Mentor
Lincoln, Nebraska
Of all the jobs you could have on campus, what made you want to be a CAST Peer Mentor?
I wanted to be a CAST Peer Mentor because of the fantastic experience I had my freshman year. I formed lasting relationships and could always count on seeing a friendly face around campus. While I could find people to relate to in this community, I also had the opportunity of working with people from different backgrounds in a non-judgmental, exciting way.
If you could learn any skill or craft instantly, what would it be?
I would like to learn how to make pottery. I find such crafts to be great ways to express yourself and your creativity, and they would also make nice gifts. There are also endless possibilities on what you could make! While I have not had the opportunity yet, hopefully I can take some sort of class in the future!
What’s one thing on your bucket list you know you’ll cross off some day?To leave the country. I would travel to almost any place to have the chance to experience a different environment, culture, language, and lifestyle!
What's your favorite way to de-stress or relax during busy times?
My favorite way to de-stress is to spend time with my family and friends. This could be as simple as just having a quick conversation about how I'm doing or we could go do something fun. Being reminded of the important relationships in my life helps keep me going!
If your life had a soundtrack, what is your theme song?
"Float On" by Modest Mouse. This song reminds me to focus less on the past and instead about moving on with a positive attitude.
You just won an all-expenses paid vacation. Where would you go?
Italy. Gotta love the countryside and pasta-making opportunities.
What’s your favorite place on campus—and why?
I love Love Library (both north and south). The reasons are endless: the CAST office, a variety of places to study, and Dunkin.'
What's your go-to comfort food or guilty pleasure snack?
Bagels make everything better. When I am having a bad day, bagels cheer me up. Otherwise, I love cheesecake.
What's one thing you wish you had known before starting college?
I wish had known it was okay to be unsure of what you want to do. I believed I had to know exactly what my career plans were, and this often prevented me from taking risks and exploring my options. I still I am unsure of what exactly I want to do with my degree, but I know that I am interested in my major and would like to continue something related after college.