Peer Mentor
Political Science and Global Studies
Expected Graduation Year (e.g. May 2026, December 2027)
May 2027
Hometown (City, State)
Beardstown, Illinois
Of all the jobs you could have on campus, what made you want to be a CAST Peer Mentor?
I thought it would be quite fun to do and plus challenge me when it comes to socializing.
If you could learn any skill or craft instantly, what would it be?
Wood work, most of my family has this skill and I wasn’t blessed with this skill 🥲
What’s one thing on your bucket list you know you’ll cross off some day?
Going to New York City to watch a broadway musical.
What's your favorite way to de-stress or relax during busy times?
I would saying drawing is my favorite way (cartoons usually).
If your life had a soundtrack, what is your theme song?
You Learn from Jagged Little Pill the Musical.
You just won an all-expenses paid vacation. Where would you go?
Visit all of the National Parks in the United States starting from the East and working my way to the West.
What’s your favorite place on campus—and why?
I would say love library because it is usually quiet and I have a place to study.
What's your go-to comfort food or guilty pleasure snack?
Anything sweet and has a lot of sugar but if I had to choose gummy bears.
What's one thing you wish you had known before starting college?
That there was an app to help me find buildings on campus… I have gotten lost so many times the first week of class.