Our Mission

The mission of Center for Academic Success and Transition (CAST) is to engage, empower, and support all students in and out of the classroom. We provide academic and transition coaching, peer mentors, and interactive classroom presentations aimed at increasing retention and graduation rates at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.


CAST is on City Campus in Love South Library 110. The goal is to encourage academic success all in collaboration with University Libraries. This unique space offers a conference room, computers for students to check email, and a friendly front desk staff to assist students.

1248 R St.
Love South 110
Lincoln, NE 68588-4109
Phone: 402-472-1880
E-mail: success@unl.edu

Connect with CAST

Meet the Team

Select on the name of a team member to schedule or request a coaching appointment.


Student Team

The Center for Academic Success and Transitions employs a team of students who are dedicated to CAST programs and supporting student success at UNL. Student positions include Peer Mentors for our CAST POWER programs (Emerging Leaders, First Husker, and Transfer Students), Study Stop Learning Consultants, marketing and communications interns, front desk student workers.